Romania is located in South Eastern Europe. Its neighbours are: the Republic of Moldova to the east, Bulgaria to the south, Serbia to the south and south-east, Hungary to the west, Ukraine to the north.
Romanian language is a latin language and Romania itself is considered to be a „Latin island in a Slav sea”.
The largest cities in Romania are: Bucharest, Iași, Timișoara, Cluj, Constanța, Galați, Brașov, Ploiești and Oradea.
Places you must see when you come to Romania:
- Medieval churches from Bucovina
- Bran, Peleș and Hunedoara Castle
- The old city of Sighișoara
- Transfăgărășan Road (one of the most spectacular roads in the world)
- Danube Delta, the largest natural reserve in Europe,
- the Black Sea
Public Holidays (in these days all the institutions, banks and shops are closed)
- 1st and 2nd January: New Year
- 24th January (The day of the Romanian provinces unification )
- Monday following Orthodox Easter (date varies)
- 1st May: Labor Day
- Rusaliile: (Christian Orthodox Religious Holiday – celebrated 50 days after Easter)
- 15th August : Saint Mary’s Day
- 30th November: Saint Andrew’s Day
- 1st December: National Day
- 25th, 26th December: first and second day of Christmas