Burse de studii în Turcia 2022
Programul de burse oferit de Turcia se adresează studenților și cercetătorilor străini pentru studii universitare, post universitare, doctorate și studii de cercetare la universități de înalt prestigiu din Turcia și cuprinde, pe lângă repartizarea la o universitate/profil și taxa școlarizare, o bursă lunară, cazare în spațiile universității, curs de limbă turcă, bilet de avion dus-întors și program academic și cultural.
Persoanele interesate pot aplica pentru bursele oferite de statul turc online, gratuit, în perioada 10 ianuarie – 20 februarie 2022. Platforma online va oferi posibilitatea de înscriere a studenților în opt limbi diferite și poate fi accesată la adresa https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/ . Mai multe informații referitoare la programul de burse pentru 2022 vor fi publicate pe site-ul www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr .
Vă rugăm să găsiți atașat scrisoarea domnului Abdullah EREN, Președintele YTB, precum și documentația informativă despre programul nostru de burse.
Website/Media & Promotion: https://turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/about/mediaandpresentation
Application in 5 Steps: https://turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/applysteps
Apply Now: https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TurkiyeBurslarii
Instagram: @turkiyeburslari
Twitter: @TurkiyeBurslari
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/turkiyeburslari
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Opportunities for tourism students
Mar 21, 2022 01:00 PM Bucharest
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 931 8323 9321
Passcode: JCKa1D
The first local event organized as part of the NEOLAiA project – NEOLAiA Café will take place on December 3rd, 2024, at 6:00 PM, at the USV Book Café .
The event aims to promote the NEOLAiA project and its activities within the USV community, offering to the project team the opportunity to share the vision and impact that NEOLAiA brings to both the university and the region.
Burse in strainatate prin Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii
Ministerul Educaţiei și Cercetării, prin Agenţia de Credite şi Burse de Studii (www.roburse.ro), anunţă lansarea concursurilor naţionale pentru acordarea burselor de studii sau cercetare în străinătate, oferite de alte state în baza
Read MoreDeclaratia Consortiului NEOLAiA privind razboiul din Ucraina
NEOLAiA Consortium firmly condemns Russian aggression in Ukraine and joins the support of Ukraine and all its people.
The NEOLAiA Consortium wishes to express its solidarity with Ukraine and strong condemnation of the military action by the Russian troops in the sovereign territory of Ukraine which violates international law and human rights. The Russian Government should immediately cease fire and start peace negotiations.
European nations have learnt the lesson that only peaceful coexistence can bring prosperity, welfare and economic growth in our regions.
Through this statement we would like to strongly support all Ukrainian citizens, many of whom are our fellow academics, researchers and students. The ties we have with Ukrainian Universities may only grow stronger and we gladly leave our aid at their disposal.
NEOLAiA strongly believes in empowering democracy to improve well-being for all. We feel committed to providing our students not only with knowledge and research experience but also with values and skills such as critical thinking, active citizenship and a socially engaged attitude in order to contribute to strengthening.
Sursa: https://neolaiacampus.eu/neolaia-condemns-russian-aggression-in-ukraine/

Apel de candidaturi – Bursele Guvernului Francez 2021/ Ambasada Franței în România
De mai bine de 30 de ani, Ambasada Franței în România a urmat o politică activă de sprijinire a mobilităților studenților pentru a încuraja formarea tinerilor români care doresc să
Read More09 – 15 May 2022 – PORT Cultural Summer School – Heritage: European cultural value
Between May 9 and 15, 2022, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, through its Tourism Resource and Research Center, in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences of Augsburg, Germany, organized the 2022 edition of the PORT Cultural Summer School with the general theme Heritage: European cultural value.
This year’s edition highlights a decade since USV, through its research activities and the work of volunteers, has become an active player in the field of local and national heritage conservation. Projects such as: HE-CROSS, Heritage or PORT Cultural have successfully represented the work done over the years.
25 students from the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg, Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Energy Efficiency study program, attended the event, as well as teachers from USV and experts in related areas.
This year’s edition of the Summer School aimed to answer questions such as: How can I keep the old traditional house and adapt it to current needs ?; What kind of materials and techniques should we use for renovation and insulation, which are compatible with the old traditional building materials (wood and clay) and a sustainable way of building ?, questions that, in the current context, bring to the surface problems related to the cultural landscape of South-Eastern Europe, especially tourist destinations, a landscape that has undergone and continues to undergo visible transformations. The desire to modernize housing and the way of life in general has become, rather, a cultural issue reflected in the mirror of a society that is rapidly moving towards uniformity.
This event has been supported by Cacica City Hall, Bucovina Museum, IaBucovina Association, Putna Local Development Association, Traditional Houses Ambulance, North-East Branch of the Romanian Order of Architects, “Save the Bucovina Village” Initiative and ADER Suceava and we want to thank them all for that.
